10 Painting Contractor FAQs

10 Painting Contractor FAQs

If you’re looking to hire a professional painting contractor, here are 10 painting contractor FAQs you should ask him.  Are your painters fully insured? Painters in the San Francisco Bay area must have Liability Insurance and proof of Workers Compensation...
Make Walls Talk with IdeaPaint

Make Walls Talk with IdeaPaint

Most walls in workplaces stand empty, a silent witness to workplace events. But if walls could talk, it wouldn’t need a mouth. Instead, transforming it into a dry erase wall or whiteboard wall using IdeaPaint can make it come alive with ideas and become a great avenue...
8 Prep Work Tasks for a Painting Job

8 Prep Work Tasks for a Painting Job

A painting job may seem simple at first but there are actually more tasks involved before and after the main event than just giving your home or office a fresh coat of paint. Any professional painting contractor may do any of these 8 prep work tasks to ensure you end...
5 Types of Paint Finishes

5 Types of Paint Finishes

When it comes to choosing paint for a structure, it’s not enough to choose a particular shade, color, or palette. You also have to choose the right sheen based on the area we’re supposed to paint them. So to avoid the confusion, we’ve created this infographic to give...
What Factors Affect a Painting Job Estimate?

What Factors Affect a Painting Job Estimate?

I’ve been painting houses since 1990 and every painting job always starts with an estimate. Now as a painting contractor, I may look at a painting job costing differently than clients. That’s why I’ve written this blog to let clients know what factors affect a...